February 7, 2025


Healthy and Happy, the Main Key

How does pregnancy affect your teeth and oral health? 11 things dentists want you to know

How does pregnancy affect your teeth and oral health? 11 things dentists want you to know

From tweaking your wardrobe to altering your diet, there’s a lot to get to grips with when you’re expecting. However, it’s often less well known that at the same time as your body is hard at work growing a baby, your dental health might also need some extra TLC.

Indeed, the natural hormonal changes experienced by women who are expecting risk having a knock-in impact on the state of your smile. While things like bad breath and tooth sensitivity are very common oral health problems at this time, there is also a greater risk of gum disease and teeth moving. This is why it’s important to attend regular check-ups with your dentist throughout the trimesters – with the NHS offering free check-ups and treatment during pregnancy and for 12 months after you give birth.


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