September 11, 2024


Healthy and Happy, the Main Key

Hiking beneficial for children’s physical, mental health

2 min read
Hiking beneficial for children’s physical, mental health
Hiking beneficial for children’s physical, mental health

Exercise plays a key role in a child’s overall health and development. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends children ages 6 to 17 engage in 60 minutes or more of physical activity per day.

As families seek ways to promote physical activity and well-being, hiking emerges as an excellent choice. Incorporating hiking into a child’s routine can also provide numerous other health advantages including mental, cognitive, and social.

The varied terrain and natural obstacles of hiking trails requires children to engage different muscle groups, challenges their heart and lungs and impacts their balance – all skills that are vital for a child’s overall physical development. Particularly, the muscles in the legs, core and lower body are used while hiking and improves overall physical strength, muscle tone and endurance. During a hike, the heart rate increases, improving cardiovascular fitness. Traversing the uneven trails and navigating around obstacles such as broken limbs and rocks requires coordination and balance.


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